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Date: Thu, 4 Nov 93 07:44:51 PST
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
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Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #218
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Info-Mac Digest Thu, 4 Nov 93 Volume 11 : Issue 218
Today's Topics:
[*] AD Programmers package
[*] launch-creator.cpt - (source) get a file "double-clicked" from a
running pgm
[*] mac-facts-93-11-02.txt
[*] MacSlurp
[*] myenv-notify.cpt: "Standard" progr env for C/C++ (source)
[*] PUP decrypter
[*] teletimes-93-11
A/UX naive question
Active Matrix Kolour
A piece of junk called OptiMem
Appleshare Mounting of CD Device (A)
Blind Person's Mac
Centris 660av ---> Quadra 660av
Confessions of a Power Loser
Credit Card Validation via Mac (A)
Duo 230 Batteries (R)
Gartner Group Report (Q)
Good Calendar Program
Headers in WriteNow
How do you make ppats w/out ResEdit? (Q)
Identity of AppleShare Guest Access (Q)
Info-Mac Digest V11 #217
LW 8.1.1 Problems with legal size paper. (R)
MacX (Summary)
Map graphics
MS Word 51a Pict paste prob (Q)
Newer Tech. VSO
New Macs in Apple Facts 11.93
PowerBook Duo Power shuts off
Printing/Viewing TeX Docs
Quicken 4.0 (C)
Quicken 4 bugs (C)
Redrawing Windows in Think Pascal
Shareware Communication Tool
SNMP Agent
Symbol Font (Q)
Sys 6.0.8l where?
Syst 7 Pro PowerTalk MSAMs (Q)
Three cheers for 800-SOS-APPL
umich site
What good is VRAM ?
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Gordon Watts.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1993 16:31:33 +0100
From: pope@imv.aau.dk (Povl H. Pedersen)
Subject: [*] AD Programmers package
A few people told me, that my previous submission in 2 parts (manual and
examples) was bad, so I have compressed it with Compact Pro, and put both
examples and manual together in one file.
The title should describe the contents. This archive contains the After
Dark programmers manual, and a few examples. Downloaded from AOL and
distributed with permission from Berkeley Systems.
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/ad-programmers-pckg.hqx; 66K]
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 11:37:36 -0600
From: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu (Kiselyov Oleg)
Subject: [*] launch-creator.cpt - (source) get a file "double-clicked" from a
running pgm
What: get any file "double-clicked" from within a running program
launcher.cc - code itself (commented)
vlauncher.cc - verification routine
Language: Symantec C++ 6.0 (though worked for Think C 5.0, too)
System: System 7.x, but probably 6.x is OK, too.
Note: needs standard environment, see myenv-notify.cpt
Comments to: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu, oleg@unt.edu
This is a simple program that, given a file name, launches an
application-creator and has it handle the file. If the file
is an application, it is launched itself. The net result is
exactly the same as if the user had double-clicked on the file.
void open_selection(const char * full_path_name)
Where the 'full_path_name' tells the full path name of the file that
should be "double-clicked". Though, a relative path name would do, too.
The present program achieves the magic by sending an 'Open Selection'
event to the Finder. It is significantly based on the FinderEvents
stack by Jon Pugh and Apple Computer, Inc. (C) 1991-92 Apple Computer, Inc.)
(which is written in Pascal and _very_ big and messy)
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/launch-creator-c.hqx; 4K]
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1993 11:45:33 -0600
From: J. D. S. (Sterling) Babcock <jdsb@ee.duke.edu>
Subject: [*] mac-facts-93-11-02.txt
Dear Readers:
Enclosed please find my collection of lists of Apple Macintosh Models.
Model List I is my regular list which provides as much information on the
configuration of each model that can fit on one line.
Model List II is additional information. It contains minimum and maximum
system versions, dates of manufacture, suggested retail prices and model of
Model List III is from Kevin D. Connery. It contains Speedometer 3.11
speed ratings for each model as well as upgraded machines.
Please email to jdsb@ee.egr.duke.edu any corrections to Model List I or
Please email to keradwc@rahul.net any corrections to Model List III.
[Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/mac-facts-93-11-02.txt; 43K]
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 93 22:04:52 -0500
From: Tom Davies <tomd@horse.demon.co.uk>
Subject: [*] MacSlurp
To Whom It May Concern,
Please find attached a program called MacSlurp which makes offline
news reading a reality for those who have an Internet connection, rather
than UUCP.
I'll announmce it on c.s.m.comm when its up on umich -- I don't want my
local ftp site overloaded.
Please mail me if you want more info.
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/net/mac-slurp-15.hqx; 202K]
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 11:35:47 -0600
From: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu (Kiselyov Oleg)
Subject: [*] myenv-notify.cpt: "Standard" progr env for C/C++ (source)
What: minimal minimal "standard" programming environment for Think C/C++
Highlights: posting synchronous _and_ asynchronous notifications,
displaying messages: like crossbreed printf & DebugStr, but
works without MacsBug loaded!, simple error-handling
Note: _commented_ source code
Note: The environment is used in the programs I post next.
System: System 7, Think C/C++ version 6.0 (but worked for 5.0, too)
myenv.h Declaration of functions, macros, and constants
myenv.cc Implementation source code
vmyenv.cc Validation routine that checks that everything works
notify.cc Source for posting notifications
Comments to: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu, oleg@unt.edu
notify.c: The set of functions lets a (possibly, background) application post
synchronous or asynchronous notification messages to the user.
Synchronous posting means that the posting function does not return until
the notification message is displayed and the user dismisses it.
In asynchronous mode, the posting function returns as soon as the
message is queued into the notification queue (but not yet displayed!).
The functions use the Notification Manager and the EventManager (via
function sleep() defined elsewhere in the standard env to relinquish
the CPU control while sleeping). Circular queue is used to store
asynchronous notification requests.
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/myenv-notify-c.hqx; 12K]
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1993 00:40:32 -0600
From: c526142@monad.missouri.edu (Kuang-Yu Liu)
Subject: [*] PUP decrypter
Here is PUP decrypter Version 2.0. Strange! Every once in a while somebody
come up with this question.
Goo luck.
[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/pup-decryptor-20.hqx; 16K]
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1993 00:12:17 PST
From: ian@breez.wimsey.com (Ian Wojtowicz)
Subject: [*] teletimes-93-11
This month's issue contain a couple of important announcements, articles on
Environment, Human Rights Abuses (in the sneaker industry) and yet another
sublime photography article by Kent Barrett with lots of great art!
Ian Wojtowicz
** TeleTimes International ************************************************
is an electronic publication produced in Vancouver. For a free subscription
send your name and computer type to: ian@breez.wimsey.com
[Please do not send files to info-mac and macgifts -- we get 2 copies
Thanks, isl]
[Archived as /info-mac/per/teletimes-93-11.hqx; 569K]
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1993 13:26:01 -0500 (CDT)
From: BRAM@mbcf.stjude.org
Subject: A/UX naive question
Sorry, but I couldn't find this in the AUX archives.
Can A/UX and system 7 run at the same time? or do you
have to run only one or the other?
If so, does anyone know how much RAM each needs ?
Thanks alot.
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 09:17:56 PST
From: burns@risvax.rowland.org (Mike Burns)
Subject: Active Matrix Kolour
While we are on the subject: I recently was somewhat disappointed
to discover that my pb180c seems to use dithering to get the 256 gray
levels (even when the Monitors control panel is set to 256 Grays). Is this
really the case ? And if so, is there any control over that (or even any
documentation of just what levels are dithered and how ?) I first noticed
this when I was trying to display some smoothly varying gray-level images.
Mike Burns
Date: 3 Nov 1993 12:16:01 -0500
From: knapp@cs.purdue.edu (Edgar Knapp)
Subject: A piece of junk called OptiMem
A few people asked about OptiMem. Here is my assessment:
Think twice before buying OptiMem, and be happy it comes with a
money-back guarantee.
Installation is a pain in the butt.
- crashed on first try
- aborted on second try since I had locked the original disks (I find it
hard to believe they are trying to enforce leaving original disks
- can't leave organization field blank
Incompatibility with NOW Up-To-Date 2.0.1. Launching the program freezes
the machine when OptiMem is enabled. Even after disabling OptiMem, I get a
message that there is not enough memory to launch NOW UTD, even right at
System startup and with more than 5 MB of memory available. I thought
OptiMem was supposed to eliminate these problems rather than create them.
Restarting blanks the external monitor, then freezes my machine with
nothing but the desktop pattern showing. This happens 100% of the time.
Initially, I received the bogus message "No applications known to
OptiMem on Boot Volume". This has only happened once, though
The following main-stream applications are not recognized by OptiMem:
FileMaker Pro
Disk First Aid 7.2
Simple Player
Stuffit Expander
BBEdit Lite
Excel Dialog Editor
Word Equation Editor
MacDraw Pro
Microsoft Graph (part of Word)
Remote Access
DiskFit Pro
FastBack Plus
MacWrite Pro
MPW Shell
Think Pascal
Think Reference
What that means is that in order to get any benefit out of OptiMem for
these applications, you have to go through a painful "break-in"
period. Many of them may not work at all (and you'll have a really
good time finding that out!). Happy crashing.
My setup: PowerBook 170, 8MB, external 16" monitor connected via Radius
PowerView. System 7.1 after HSU 2.0. Testing was done with only a few
crucial extensions. OptiMem version 1.4.2.
Edgar Knapp knapp@cs.purdue.edu
Purdue University (get PGP public key via finger)
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 93 08:56:23 EST
From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM%VTVM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Appleshare Mounting of CD Device (A)
On Mon, 1 Nov, Irv Wiswall wrote:
>I seem to remember a way that a CD could be shared with System 7 file
>shareing, but I can't find what ever it takes to do this.
Very simple, Irv. The CD must be in its drive when AppleShare fires up.
At that point, the CD can be shared. In fact, it can't be ejected until
AppleShare is turned off. Lots of folk have found this "feature" by
accident. The file info-mac/disk/unmountit-10.hqx can be used to
dismount any removeable on the fly (Drop the disk icon on it, sharing
is turned off, the disk ejectes, and sharing is turned back on). If you
want to share a CD when your machine is already on, turn of sharing,
load the CD, turn sharing back on, then share the CD.
Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 93 17:13:11 IST
From: "Nakhshon Tsouk (n.tsouk@uvm.haifa.ac.il)"
Subject: Blind Person's Mac
We are looking for a Brille keyboard and printer connectable
to a Mac (as seen on PeeCee).
Any suggestions?
N. Tsouk (n.tsouk@uvm.haifa.ac.il)
School of Education
University of Haifa (Israel)
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 93 16:32:50 GMT
From: chipek@gansu1.in2p3.fr (John Chipek)
Subject: CAP
I try to get on the mailing list comp.protocols.appletalk,by sending mail
to info-appletalk-request@andrew.cmu.edu with no success!
The return mail tell me:Can't connect to remote host andrew.cmu.edu
Anybody can help me?
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 00:06:30 -0600
From: (Pete Chane) <pchaneuw@vms2.macc.wisc.edu>
Subject: Centris 660av ---> Quadra 660av
It seems that if Centris 660av users download and install System Enabler
088 v. 1.1, it will change their computer from a Centris to a Quadra on the
About this Mac... screen and software that does system info (like Now
Profile and TattleTale) will also use the new Quadra name. I got Enabler
088 v. 1.1 from AppleLink.
Pete Chane
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 10:27:04 -0500
From: bash@helix.nih.gov (Mike Basham)
Subject: Confessions of a Power Loser
The only thing worse than knowing nothing is knowing everything.
I say this, of course, as someone who knows everything. At least when it
comes to Macintosh, I'm the ultimate geek.
Fully aware of my godlike status, my brother (a computer neophyte) trusted
me to arrange the purchase of his new computer. I got him a great deal on a
Centris (I know, Quadra) 660AV with an AudioVision monitor and Apple
Adjustable Keyboard.
Wanting to shield my poor, novice brother the embarrassment of having to
set up this computer himself, I had it shipped to my house instead. My plan
was to check it out and get it running, then deliver it to his house in
Baltimore tonight.
I ran into problems. The monitor wouldn't work right. The AV extension
wouldn't load. The keyboard and mouse would work only when plugged into the
CPU, not when plugged into the monitor.
After trying everything I could, I called 1-800-SOS-APPL. I talked to a
very helpful person who had me reinstall the system software, plug in some
things and unplug others, and do everything humanly possible to try and get
this thing working.
I discovered that the main problem with the unit was that one of the ADB
ports was dead. When I plugged the monitor into the good port (the one on
the far left of the unit) everything worked fine, but when plugged into the
other ADB port next to the first, nothing worked.
My brother was disappointed to hear that his new computer had a flaw. I
told him I would try and arrange a replacement, but I wasn't sure how long
it would take. His kids were especially disappointed to hear that they
wouldn't get to play any games today.
As I was disconnecting the computer to put it back in the box, I noticed a
funny icon above the "defective" ADB port. Just then I remembered that this
machine had an S-Video port that used the same kind of connectors as ADB.
Unlike most other Macs that I have used, the Quadra 660AV has only one ADB
port. I wouldn't have had trouble with this except that, right next to that
ADB port is another port _that accepts the same kind of cable!_ I just
assumed, since the cable plugged in ok, that this Mac had two ADB ports.
Boy, did I feel like an idiot. I called my brother and explained, and he
promised to hide the truth from his wife and kids. He said he would tell
them that their genius uncle Mike discovered the defective chip on the
Quadra's logic board, removed it with a pair of tweezers, and soldered a
new chip back on. I don't think they'll believe it.
Apple is innocent on this one; the only one I have to blame is myself. If I
hadn't been so sure that this Mac had two ADB ports, I might have taken the
time to look at the icons above the ports or even (shudder) read the
manual. Still, experiences like this add spice to life.
Mike Basham (bash@helix.nih.gov)
BTW, the 660AV is a neat computer!
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1993 10:03:30 PST
From: Kee Nethery <kee@aol.com>
Subject: Credit Card Validation via Mac (A)
>Our company is looking for credit card validation packages for the Mac.
>Ideally we would like a package that we would batch process credit
>card validation if we fed it the correct information from our VAX.
Tellan Software
San Jose, CA 95148
fax 800-483-5536
I have not used their software and have no experience with it but it is
supposed to do credit card validations.
Kee Nethery
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 07:07:42 -0800 (PST)
From: John Thoo <jbthoo@ucdavis.edu>
Subject: Duo 230 Batteries (R)
On 2 Nov 1993 bjturner@lynx.cs.usfca.edu (Benjamin J. Turner) wrote:
> OK, Apple is now shipping the new Duos with the new Type II
> that have a longer life than Type I's. The old Duos can take advantage of
> these
> new battereis if they have the new Power Manager, which has been
included for
> a while now. My question is: Does the Duo 230 currently ship with the old
> Type I battery, or with the new Type II battery?
As I understand it, the older Duos are not shipping with the new batteries.
J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu>
Date: 3 Nov 93 17:36:00 CST
From: "Mike Sisson " <SISSON_MD@brutus.vought.com>
Subject: Gartner Group Report (Q)
A recent MacWeek had an article about a study done by above group which
showed that owning a Mac was cheaper in the long run. Would love to have a
copy to wave in management's faces. Article gave no info on how to contact
these folks. Does anyone have a telephone number or e-mail address?
Mike Sisson
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 09:46:32 EST
From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Good Calendar Program
John Thoo <jbthoo@ucdavis.edu. writes:
JT>My question is, Does anyone know of a good calendar program
JT>that features a rich (InControl-like) to-do list?
I've been pleased with Now-Up-To-Date. It's very close to what
I've been looking for in a calender package and it managers to
do lists very well.
The new version (2.1) interfaces directly with Now's new contact
manager (Now Contact) which makes things even nicer.
Jeffrey Fritz
West Virginia University
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 16:06:23 PST
From: yanjose@sfsuvax1.sfsu.edu (Joe Yan)
Subject: Headers in WriteNow
> In WriteNow 3.0 I can't seem to tell the headers section not to print a 1 on
> the first page, is there anyway of doing this without forcing all odd pages
> not to have their page #s printed?
That's easy. :) Just put an empty header before the header with the
page number one it.
Just to make myself clear, I will go through all the steps.
1) "Show Markers" in the View Menu
2) See that marker? That represents your current header.
3) put the insertion point before that marker
4) "Insert New Header" in the Format menu
5) you're done!
Hope this helps!
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 16:52:25 EST
From: adorfman@cs.tufts.edu (2d Lt Avram Dorfman)
Subject: How do you make ppats w/out ResEdit? (Q)
(Please respond directly, will post summary)
How do you make/view ppats that are different sizes from what ResEdit offers?
ResEdit is fairly restrictive, especially in terms of maximum size. I don't
want to buy anything extravagant. All I have is whatever came with Symantec
C++, and basic stuff like MacDraw Pro. Shareware tools are fine by me.
-Avram Dorfman (adorfman@cs.tufts.edu)
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1993 11:39:49 +0000 (U)
From: WalrathW <walrathw@RFERL.ORG>
Subject: Identity of AppleShare Guest Access (Q)
I'm always curious who is accessing my shared items, but can't see the
when they log in as guest. Is there a utility out there, or some other way of
finding out what machine the guest access is coming from?
Wayne Walrath
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 93 09:28:49 EST
From: Chuck Weinstock <weinstoc@SEI.CMU.EDU>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #217
|> > Our company is looking for credit card validation packages for the Mac.
|> > Ideally we would like a package that we would batch process credit
|> > card validation if we fed it the correct information from our VAX.
There is a package out called MacAuthorize, available from Tellan Software at
1-800-4TELLAN. I just received a copy this week, and it looks like a
good/useful package. I say "looks" because I haven't quite gotten it to work
yet. It turns out that there are a lot of variables in credit card
processing, the most interesting being the network that you are connected to.
Each has its own protocol and it turns out that MacAuthorize didn't know about
the protocol my transaction processor uses. They are providing me with an
updated version, hopefully next week.
Bottom line: if they support your network, it looks like a good deal
(certainly better than renting/leasing a Verifone).
If you call them, please mention that you heard about them through me. (I
don't get anything if you do, except perhaps additional goodwill.)
Chuck Weinstock
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 09:07:28 -0500
From: "Andrew E. Scheck" <aes@aplcomm.jhuapl.edu>
Subject: LW 8.1.1 Problems with legal size paper. (R)
> I was in Aldus Freehand, printing some signs in landscape on
> a legal size paper. I made sure the page setup matched the document
> prefs that I had set in freehand. I tried both print drivers. What
> would happen is the text, which filled the page on the screen, would
> print down about 3.5 inches on the page and then be chopped off by the
We had the same problem, but rather than switching back to the old
driver, I switched back to the old PPD file that used to work. We have an 8MB
LW IIg that using the new "smart" PPD (it supposedly handles all memory
configurations) would not print beyond the letter size on legal size (it also
clearly showed that it wouldn't print any bigger in the "Page Setup..."
dogcow picture). I just switched back to my old 8MB specific PPD and
everything now seems to work just fine.
Andy Scheck
Date: Wed Nov 3 23:07:09 EST 1993
From: brg@nic.cerf.net (Brian R. Gaeke)
Subject: MacX (Summary)
I received 2 responses to my query regarding MacX and connection tools.
> From: Matthew Johnson <mgj@doc.ic.ac.uk>
> You need the MacTCP Tool (written for MacX). It comes on the
> installation discs.
> From: howardh@taurus.BCAA.BC.CA (Howard Hui)
> In InfoMac 216 you said that none of the connection tools installed are
> working. It seems to me that may be MacX cannot find it connection tool.
> Could you check your extension folder and see if "MacTCP tool" is there?
> It it is not there, you have to grap it from one of your MacX diskettes.
> Please also knows that MacX is now at least 1.2. It work better if you are
> running System 7.1.
> From: Stan Kerr <kerr@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
> Your MacX 1.1.7 distribution disks include an extension called
> MacTCP Tool that has to be installed in the system folder. It's on
> one of the Communications disks.
> From: Sven Guckes <guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de>
> All I can say is "MacX 1.2 works well over here."
> Haven't used it much (yet), though.
> I just wanted to point out that MacX 1.2 exists and that you might need
> the update.
I checked my sys. folder and indeed, MacTCP Tool is not there. I will have
to get ahold of this.
Are there any freely-available connection tools that would work as well?
Thanks to mgj@doc.ic.ac.uk
and guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de for responding.
Brian Gaeke, The Dimensional Gate Company / Internet E-Mail: brg@cerf.net
Finger my account for my PGP public key.
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 93 10:31:34 GMT
From: "Ray Kallman" <ray@delfin.wyvern.com>
Subject: Map graphics
Does anyone know of a good source of map graphics for the Mac? Right
now I need a map of the states along the eastern seaboard of the United
States but I foresee needing other maps in the future. They need not be
to detailed. Political boundries and maybe significant cities are
sufficient. I would prefer them in PICT format but most any other
format will do. Anyone have any ideas?
| Ray Kallman ray@delfin.wyvern.com |
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 16:36:41 EST
From: adorfman@cs.tufts.edu (2d Lt Avram Dorfman)
Subject: MS Word 51a Pict paste prob (Q)
(Please respond directly, will post summary)
I drew a nifty little diagram in MacDraw Pro, and pasted into M$ Word 5.1a.
parts of my diagram that involved freeform curves lost their curviness, and
became simply straight line segments joined at angles. I tried saving the
diagram as a Pict from MacDraw, and importing the file. It did the same
I suspect Word is the culprit because Pict is a standard format and contains
the curvature information.
In both cases, the diagram showed up as a MS Word Picture. I suspect that the
problem is that the internal format isn't powerful enough to handle freeform
curves. Is there any way to bypass the internal picture format, and just keep
it a regular Pict?
This process worked fine in MS Word 4.00d, where there was no internal picture
format. It seems odd that the new version would actually be weaker in this
-Avram Dorfman (adorfman@cs.tufts.edu)
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 11:33:19 +0100
From: vetah@vinga.hum.gu.se (Anders Alvers)
Subject: Newer Tech. VSO
Is there anyone who knows if there is a new version of the controlpanel NT
VS= for the Quadra 700/900 I have ver 1.0 and am having problems with it. I
have tried to contact Newer Tech by snail-mail but without any success. Do
they have an internet add??
Anders Alvers, vetah@hum.gu.se
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 07:26:57 -0800
From: awest@cln.etc.bc.ca
Subject: New Macs in Apple Facts 11.93
I read with some sadness of the demise of the LC III and all of the other
great '030' machines. I have had my LCIII since October and love it, it is
a great leap into colour for the same price I paid for a Plus in '89. So
here is what is in the Apple fact Book 11.93
Desktop Computers
LC 475 25 mHz 68LC040 - looks like LC III case
Quadra 605 25 mHz 68LC040 - looks like a clean fronted
Quadra 610 case
Quadra 610 25 mHz 68040 - looks like Centris 610
Quadra 650 33 mHz 68040 - looks like Centris 650
(and a IIvx)
Quadra 660AV 25 mHz 68040 - comes with FPU and DSP
looks like Centris 610
special monitor for full
Quadra 650 33 mHz 68040 - looks like Centris 650
Performa Models
Performa 410 16 mHz 68030
Performa 460 33 mHz 68030
Performa 466 33 mHz 68030
Performa 467 33 mHz 68030
Performa 550 CD 33 mHz 68030
Performa 475 25 mHz 68030
Performa 476 25 mHz 68030
Portable Computers
PowerBook 165 33 mHz 68030 SuperTwist Display
PowerBook Duo 250 33 mHz 68030 Active matrix B&W
PowerBook Duo 270c 33 mHz 68030 Active matrix
Apple Printers
LaserWriter Select 360 16 mHz 29200 600 DPI 10 ppm
LaserWriter Pro 810 7.25 mHz 8200 800 DPI 20 ppm
Apple Quickly suggests that the following remain in the product
line and
that upgrade paths are available for '*' machines:
Macintosh Color Classic * Clr Classic II
Macintosh LC II * LC III
Macintosh LC III * 475
Macintosh LC 520
Macintosh Quadra 800 * 840AV
Macintosh Quadra 950
Macintosh Quadra 840 AV
Macintosh PowerBook 145b
Macintosh PowerBook 160c
Macintosh PowerBook 180
Macintosh PowerBook 180c
Macintosh PowerBook Duo 230
ImageWriter II
Apple Color Printer
StyleWriter II
Portable StyleWriter
Personal LaserWriter 300
LaserWriter Select 310
LaserWriter Pro 630
Availability and Price will vary locally but this list could be a
basis for price comparisons between US and Canada as well as various
regions of the continent.
Al West, MacHand via internet
Taylor Elem.SD #60 awest@cln.etc.bc.ca
789-3323 School hwest@fraser.sfu.ca
789-3618 Fax
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 08:38:07 -0600 (CST)
From: Eric Durbrow <edurbrow@bigcat.missouri.edu>
Subject: PowerBook Duo Power shuts off
Hi! My PowerBook Duo 210 shuts off while running Word or Quicken. The
Apple tech found no hardware problems. Any ideas greatly appreciated.
System: 210 4/80; extensions Speech Manager, QuicKeys, Disinfectant INIT,
hardware update and enabler, SpeedyFinder.
Eric Durbrow
Dept of Anthropology
University of Missouri-Columbia
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1993 12:07:27 -0500
From: kkirksey@world.std.com (Ken B Kirksey)
Subject: Printing/Viewing TeX Docs
This probably qualifies as an FAQ, but since I can't seem to find the
answer anywhere else, I'm turning to the wonderful, erudite readers of
the digest; ya'll haven't failed me yet! :-)
I've got a TeX document that I need to print from my Mac to a laser printer.
The document came in two parts: the actual .tex file and a file with the
following in the header -
% LLNCS DOCUMENT STYLE -- version 1.1
% for LaTeX version 2.09
% This style file is an adaptation of
% the original LaTeX article.sty, by:
% Frank Holzwarth, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg,
% Tiergartenstrasse 17, D-6900 Heidelberg.
Now, I know absolutely nothing about TeX, so I really don't know what
to do with these files to get them to print. I'm assuming I'll probably
have to download OzTeX. :-) Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1993 19:38:15 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Quicken 4.0 (C)
In Info-Mac Digest V11 #216, Larry Wink <FDMWINK@ucf1vm.cc.ucf.edu>
counsels us that Quicken 4.0 "has more bugs than the Amazon Basin."
Isn't this the program that MacUser just awarded the much-
envied 5 mice?
Larry, how about some specifics? Which bugs? It sounded like a
gem in MacUser. I was about to plunk down my cash, but now I'm
not so sure.
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 08:56:31 -0500
From: johna@utmdacc.mda.uth.tmc.edu (John Antolak)
Subject: Quicken 4 bugs (C)
Several people have asked Larry Wink to be more specific about the bugs
encountered. I'm sure he will respond, but I also want to give my $0.02
1) I have a portfolio account with a few mutual funds, keeping track of my
403b pension plan. Every time I add a transaction, it recalculates the
values of the securities. A few times it assessed the value of my portfolio
at more than $10,000,000 (ten million). I wouldn't be working if I had that
much. I managed to get the portfolio value back to normal by closing and
opening the portfolio window.
2) I have had a couple of crashes with bad F-LINE instructions during
recalculation of portfolios. The next time I opened up the account, Quicken
rebuilt all of the indexes, and I was back to normal.
3) When I deleted a security from the portfolio, one of my other accounts
(not a security) showed up at the bottom of the list as a security. Again,
closing and then opening the portfolio window cleared up the list of
4) In September, before upgrading to version 4, my Quicken 3 file was about
160K on disk. Last night, I was backing up my data file, and noticed it was
taking much longer than usual. A "Get Info" revealed that the file was
2.4MB. I opened up the file, then used "Save a copy" to make a new copy on
disk. The copy was only 214K, a factor of 11 smaller. I checked the
balances in both files against each other, and they seemed to have the same
5) This isn't a bug, but it is pretty poor behaviour. Quicken fools with
the color palette every time it starts up. I can understand a graphics
program wanting to control the palette, but not Quicken. The color flashes
as the palette changes are pretty annoying.
So far, I haven't lost any data (cross my fingers), but the above behaviour
does not give me a lot of confidence. I have to say that I was almost ready
to jump ship to MYM, because, until Quicken 4 came out. It appeared that
Intuit was ignoring the Mac market, with several upgrades for their DOS and
Windows versions.
To be honest, I am not ready to send the program back, YET. I haven't
encountered any anomalies using my normal checking account, and I love the
"Quick Fill" feature. Quicken 3 was very stable for me, and I would like
that same sort of stablity with the new version. I hope that Intuit
realizes that the portfolio account features are not working (at least in
my version), and make an update available.
One last peeve. After recently shelling out for the new version, I received
a mail-order catalog with a Quicken-MacinTax bundle for only about $10 more
than I paid for Quicken 4 itself. I have used Quicken (in one form or
another) for more than five years, and have upgraded faithfully. I am
waiting for a mail offer from Intuit for a reduced price on MacinTax (but
I'm not holding my breath!). Maybe I should send my copy of Quicken 4 back
for a refund, order the bundle and save a few bucks. ;-)
I took Larry's advice and sent a letter to Scott Cook, outlining most of
the problems above, as well as giving him hell for Intuit's "silent"
upgrade policy. I seem to have one problem or another every time I use the
portfolio account. Maybe I'll start keeping a running account of crashes
and errors, and, if I don't hear from them, send them an update in a couple
of weeks.
John A.
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 09:50:56 EST
From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Redrawing Windows in Think Pascal
This is no doubt a FAQ, but I don't know the answer, so I'll ask.
I'm writing a program in Think Pascal. At times during the execution
of the program, I issue alert boxes for various reasons. The problem
is that when the user dismisses the dialog box, the window underneath
is not redrawn.
I handle this now by brute force: I literally rewrite everything to
the window all over again. However, I know that there are better
ways to do this inbedded into Think Pascal and the Mac OS.
Just about every programmer must encounter this, so could someone
who understands Think Pascal help a novice with the window redraw
solution? I'm not highly technical in programming, so simpler
solutions are appreciated!
Jeffrey Fritz
West Virginia University
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 13:12:32 PST
From: HarriRehnberg@salient.com (Salient Software)
Subject: Salient.com
Salient Software was acquired by Fifth Generation Systems of Baton Rouge
LA in June 1992. As of 4 October 1993 Fifth Generation Systems has merged
with Symantec Corporation.
Salient.com will cease operations effective 12 November 1993.
Subscription service is terminated effective 12 November 1993.
It is possible that Symantec may initiate a similar service at a later time.
The 1-800-766-7283 tech support line will continue to operate but the
hours for support will be 7am-7pm central time U.S. (that's zulu -6)
Monday-Friday. This number is for Fifth Generation Systems products.
Customer service for all Symantec products can be reached at 800-441-7234
in the U.S. and Canada, and at 503-334-6054 elsewhere. Dealer and corporate
customers should also use the 800 number above to reach their sales
Harri Rehnberg
Salient Software
931103 13:10:55 (GMT-7)
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 12:22:16 -0600
From: achebonk@phibred.com (Nubi Achebo Ext. 4389 "Virtual Info Systems Now!)
Subject: Shareware Communication Tool
Would somebody please recommend a good shareware real-Mac communication
package. I use a a commercial package now but I need something
simple a non-power user. A fairly sophisticated shareware
program will do. Please email me directly while sending your
response to sumex. Thanks.
Nubi Achebo
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1993 10:03:21 PST
From: Kee Nethery <kee@aol.com>
Subject: SNMP Agent
Am pretty sure that these people sell WatchTower, an SNMP agent.
Intercon Systems Corporation
950 Herndon Parkway
Herndon, VA 22070
If not them, contact neon software and ask them. I know they know who makes
it but I am pretty sure it is sold by Intercon.
Kee Nethery
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 93 10:05:58 EST
From: Pete Harrison <MERCURY%VTVM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Symbol Font (Q)
Hello Info-Mac folks. It's been a while since I've kept up with the
digest, so I hope this isn't being repetetive. I am writing my
dissertation on my old mac SE and have run into a problem. I need bold
symbols and apparently Apple didn't think anyone would need them, so
they are not built into the laserwriter. I am using word 5.1 and system
6.0.4 w/o truetype. I called Adobe about this and they said they do
have bold, bold-italic, and italic versions of the symbol postscript
font, but they charge over $300 for them! I downloaded the Belsley/
Bartholomew fonts from info-mac, but I'm sure they would cause problems
with equations created in the equation editor.
So, does anyone know of a cheap way of getting versions of these other
three faces of symbol that works in a seamless way with word? (That is,
if I choose a symbol and change its style to bold, it prints bold on
my laserwriter compatible printer) Thanks in advance.
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 93 9:43:12 EST
From: cs42521d@lux.latrobe.edu.au (Pete)
Subject: Sys 6.0.8l where?
I would like to know if it's still possible to get System 6.0.8l
on the internet. I checked previous digests which suggested looking
at the rascal mirror at wustl but to no avail. There is a readme file
there mentioning installation, but no files. I scanned archie but
no good :-(
If anyone knows where I can *STILL* ftp it from (or as a last resort email the
disk images to me) please mail me.
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1993 15:02:49 PST
From: Kee Nethery <kee@aol.com>
Subject: Syst 7 Pro PowerTalk MSAMs (Q)
OK, I am now running System 7 Pro and I want to take advantage of the AOCE
universal "In Tray" for sending and receiving all my mail. Anyone know of
any available MSAMs "Message Service Access Modules" that would connect my
AOCE In Tray to an e-mail service such as Compuserve or AOL or AppleLink or
a POP server?
Kee Nethery
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 00:09:52 -0600
From: (Pete Chane) <pchaneuw@vms2.macc.wisc.edu>
Subject: Three cheers for 800-SOS-APPL
I had a great experience with the people at 800-SOS-APPL. My AudioVision
monitor died on Saturday. Monday morning I called 800-SOS-APPL. They
sent me a new monitor THE NEXT DAY along with a prepaid Airborne mailing
label so I can send my old one back. It was how service ought to
be...quick, easy, no problems whatsoever...and no visit to a local dealer
or service center.
I hope things like this continue.
Pete Chane
Date: 3 Nov 1993 22:41:31 GMT
From: quaver@stein3.u.washington.edu (rick phillips)
Subject: umich site
Can someone help me get into the umich archives?
Correct me if I am wrong.
I think the address is umich.edu
but i have also tried mac.archive.umich.edu
in both cases, anonymous gives me a failed login.
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1993 12:42:00 -0500 (EST)
From: Daniel.Frohlich@UC.Edu
Subject: What good is VRAM ?
Hey gang,
Please forgive me if this is a FAQ, but could someone
give me a rundown of the advantages of VRAM vs
the advantages of DRAM?
We have several Centris 610's which have 4 memory expansion
slots (2 DRAM, 2 VRAM) and we are thinking of adding
more memory.
What kind of performance improvements can we expect with
extra DRAM/VRAM?
Please respond to me directly and I will summarize for the
Dan Frohlich, University of Cincinnati
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 93 10:04:39 +0100
From: rg@cict.fr (Robert Gauthier)
Having Chinese and Korean students they must be able to write
in their own language. I thought Worldscript I/II would solve
my problem but things seem to be more complicated.
I need to be able to write in Chinese and in Korean with hypercard
and a word processor.
I own Nissus Limited Flag and Wintext,Worldscript I and II.How
do I go about getting fonts and Settings for each language ?Apda
in France does not sell such stuff.
Please answer direct to me as I do not read info-mac regularly.
End of Info-Mac Digest